Really? Younger Workers Are More Discriminated Than Older Workers?

Seems a new study has concluded that “ageism” is not synonymous with “older ageism.”  Indeed, 42% of employees below 55 years either experienced or witnessed workplace ageism, while only 29% of employees above 55 years did.

This seems to go against all that we purport to know about employment discrimination based on age.  But this just-reported study was about the workplace in India, so its conclusions may not carry over to other national workplaces.  Nonetheless it is interesting and possibly instructive.

The report noted that this age-related discrimination may “suggest that ageism [is] manifested differently in different sectors due to the nature of work, role of individuals and situational context.” 

In any event, the study also showed that “Ageism was also found across all types of organisations, with the highest prevalence reported in Multinational Corporations (MNCs) headquartered in India.,” and that “approximately 71% of Indian employees from MNCs noticed age-related bias in job advertisements for their roles, compared to 57% from other organisation types.”

Huge numbers, anyway you slice it.


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