“An Older People’s Tsar” To Combat Ageism?

And now a little age discrimination tidbit from the UK.  

Many just want old people to disappear

Folks who follow what is described as a crisis “remain baffled why no effective representation exists for Britain's growing elderly population when it has an army of social mobility commissioners” and “have demanded the urgent appointment of an older people’s tsar to tackle widespread "ageism and discrimination.’”

Some speak about establishing a Commissioner for Older People’s Rights.

One government official campaigning for such a Commissioner to be appointed noted that “In every area we examined, there was evidence that ageism is not treated as seriously as other forms of discrimination, despite a wealth of evidence on its harms to individuals and society.”

And then she stated what could also be said about the US – or perhaps every country: 

“Many just want old people to disappear. And the frenetic pace of life these days has left so many feeling marginalised. Decisions affecting their lives are made by people more than half their age and the emphasis on technology to access vital services like car parks, banks and helplines has seen them left cast adrift. We need someone to take this issue by the scruff of the neck and stand up for this generation.”

Amen to that.


Really? Younger Workers Are More Discriminated Than Older Workers?


Employment Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Healthcare (Part II)