Charity for Older People Nailed For Age Discrimination

This tidbit is from our “you can’t make this stuff up” department, which is growing rapidly. 

A tribunal in the UK reportedly ruled that a charity that services older people, Age UK, harassed a job applicant – BASED UPON AGE.  The charity was ordered to make £4,000 plus interest payment to the applicant for “injury of feelings.”

That’s all that was reported, except for local HR folks’ comments.

Oh, and this from the charity itself:

“Age UK prides itself on being a fair employer that actively supports and encourages diversity and inclusion in our recruitment. We are sorry that on this occasion an applicant did not experience the normal high standards we strive for.”

The website for Age UK helpfully and correctly notes that “Ageism is discrimination or unfair treatment based on a person’s age. It’s important that ageism is tackled to make sure that nobody loses out because of their age.”

Good advice, Age UK!  (And at least you said that you were sorry). 


Employment Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Healthcare (Part II)


Sexual Harassment At the Top of The World, or “Making Advances at 17,000 Feet”